Todos Podemos Mejorar

We can all improve!

For the past year, this has been our training theme here at AMG. We have shared in the past a little about our training program for our employees. This year as part of that training our Niñeras (preschool teachers and helpers) have the opportunity to participate in a training program to receive certification for their jobs. This certification program will be attended by 30 of our Niñeras this year here in Guatemala City. For the program they attend classes 20 hours each month for six months. Two weeks ago, 15 of our Niñeras completed the training and graduated. Not only will this better equip them for their work, but also helps them to build their credentials for the future.
During the graduation, one of the dignitaries who spoke said this about AMG:
"I want to thank AMG International for the work they are doing with the children here in Guatemala, not only here in the city but all around the country. You are changing Guatemalan generations and I want to encourage the organization to continue in their work. Thank you AMG!"
Congratulation ladies!