Pakistan Floods - Mission ONE update

Pakistan Relief Efforts - Mission ONE & RPCP, Pakistan

Dear Friends,

The news is difficult from Pakistan. If you have followed our previous posts and communication, you know that Mission ONE has started the International Emergency Fund and we are helping our partner, The Reformed Presbyterian Church of Pakistan, by providing funds for relief efforts. Throughout the month of September RPCP has organized and implemented three relief events, the latest took place this past weekend in the Thatta district in the south. The map of Pakistan below shows you this particular area which has been hit very hard by the flooding.

There are many pictures in this post, but first we want to share with you some excerpts from Brother Bhatti's report sent to Mission ONE today:

"Yesterday, we hosted a relief/medical camp and saw hundreds of patients with flood-related diseases ranging from diarrhea, to scabies, to infections. We also distributed supplies to needy families. Many face multiple problems due to the affects of the flooding - destruction and theft of their possessions, health concerns, snakes that are looking for dry places, and inadequate clothing. There are still many places where no one has visited to help. Next we will go to the Sanghar district. There are many families there that need help. The most urgent needs are for food, blankets, and warm clothing due to the upcoming winter season."

Brother Bhatti and his team will continue to help as they are able. If you want to help by assisting with donations for the International Emergency Fund , this is an ongoing fund and we will use any donations to help in situations like the one that exists in Pakistan.

Here are some photos of the work that has been done:

Map of Pakistan, highlighting the Thatta district in the south:

Medical supplies purchased to help flood victims:

Loading supplies:

Attending to a young man:

Attending to patients in the medical clinic:

Temporary tent villages:

Passing out treats to the "little ones":

If you would like to help, please click here and follow the directions at the bottom of the post.

Thank you.