AMG Guatemala Celebrates 32nd Anniversary!

The First Point of AMG's Mission Statement (above):

"To provide each person an opportunity to hear and respond to a clear presentation of the gospel of Jesus Christ"

Hello Everyone,

We wanted to share some recent news with you about the ministry here at AMG Guatemala. This month, AMG celebrates its 32nd year in Guatemala!! Praise the Lord for His faithful guidance and provision for the ministry for all these years. He has used so many people within the body of Christ to accomplish the spread of the Gospel to hundreds of thousands of children and their families during these 32 years. To Him be the glory....great things He has done!

This year we are trying to work on our "identity" as an organization, so we decided to use our anniversary celebration to focus on who AMG is, our mission statement, and what that means to the children who are in our program. So, we started by making sure all the children understood what AMG stands for. Do you know??? Advancing the Ministries of the Gospel. It's a little tough with the kids here, because in Spanish it is "Avanzando el Ministerio del Evangelio", so it's actually AME. We had asssemblies during the day with the different age groups and explained this to them and had them repeat the meaning several times.

...and then at each assembly we shared verses about the Gospel to be sure they understood the "G" part of AMG:

(left) teaching about the Gospel - 1 Corinthians 15:3 "Christ died for our sins....and that He was buried....and that He rose again on the third day".

(right) Magaly, one of our Bible teachers, with one of our primary students doing a cheer about the meaning of AMG.

During each of the assemblies, both the staff and the children shared songs, dramas, and read poems that they had written about AMG.

...and our preschool director, Betty, made up an acrostic about AMG that hung on the wall during the assemblies:

You can "click" on the acrostic image if you want to try out your Spanish. Betty is pictured on the right with Robin and I.

We finished our time with prayer and then the kids went outside to play and enjoy a real cream for everyone!

Special Thanks To:
AMG International - for the continued vision of spreading the Gospel and for the years of direction and support of the ministry of AMG Guatemala.
Word & Deed, Holland - for your partnership and financial support to the ministries of AMG Guatemala.
Our National Staff - nearly 500 dedicated workers who labor in the ministry sharing the love of Christ with thousands of children each year.

Bob & Wanda McRae - for their vision during the "early" years of AMG Guatemala and for their service of 30 years with AMG, dedicating their lives to the growth of the ministry and to the lives of the children of Guatemala.

Sponsors of Children - the ministry of AMG Guatemala would not be possible without the continued generosity of sponsors around the world who continually support the children of Guatemala through AMG and Word & Deed's child sponsorship program. God bless you all.

"now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. AMEN"
Ephesians 3:20-21

We feel so blessed to be part of the Lord's work here, and want to thank you all for your continued prayer and financial support of our family.

In Christ alone and for His glory,

The Hastings Family

Prayers for Safety

Dear Friends,

Sometimes I hesitate to write about difficult situations here in Guatemala, but they are a present reality and there is no better way to deal with them but to have many lift them as prayer requests to our Lord....who is in control of everything.
Recently, following the inauguration of the new President here in Guatemala, there has been a rash of violence particularly against bus drivers and public transportation workers here in the city. Here is an exerpt from a news article today:

"The situation in Guatemala City worsened on Thursday, when new attacks against public transportation left a driver and his assistant dead, triggering a halt in service over extensive areas. The attacks occurred in areas six and twelve, in northern and southern Guatemala City, bringing to 10 the number of workers from the sector killed in two days.
The kidnapping of a driver's son during a protest on Jose Marti Avenue was also reported.
President of Guatemala Alvaro Colom denounced that this string of attacks is part of a plan by organized crime to destabilize the government and unleash chaos in the country.
According to the president, this is a response to steps taken in the last few days to fight violence and investigate public security corps, allegedly infiltrated by criminal groups.
Luis Gomez, from the urban public transport workers union, demanded more measures to protect workers and users. He warned that if this situation continues, service might be totally paralyzed."

Public transportation is how the majority of people get to work each day here in Guatemala City. Our employees are no exception to this and nearly all of them ride public buses each day to get to and from work.

- Please pray for this situation to be resolved quickly.
- Please pray specifically for the safety of AMG's employees here in Guatemala City. Nearly 200 of our employees ride buses each day.

Thank you for your continued prayers.